Monday, June 25, 2012

Toilet Paper Roll Gift Holder: Video!!!!

Today's Lesson From The Craft Room:  Sit On The Porch And Watch The World Go By
At some point in the afternoon last Thursday, Michael and I decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood with Buddy.  On our way back to the house we were passing by our neighbor's home and we decided to stop by to say hello.  We have become really great friends with these neighbors and they have the most inviting porch on the front of their home.  They were both home so we all ended up parking ourselves in their comfy chairs on the front porch and chatted for awhile.  It was such a simple thing to do - to just lounge on the front porch and watch the world go by - and it was so enjoyable.  When was the last time you sat on a porch and watched the world go by?  Maybe today would be the perfect day to give it a try :)
This great upcycle project was inspired by some ideas on Pinterest and a wonderful post I saw on Jan Hennings' blog.  I am always looking for ways to utilize things that we traditionally would throw away or recycle and this turned out to be a perfect project for me!  Here is a two-part video to show you how to make some upcycled gift holders of your own!  Enjoy!!!!

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

GREAT idea and Great videos! I have a shelf in the linen closet full of spent tp rolls and my kids have begun teasing me about them. Now I can put an end to the teasing!