I made this card a number of years ago - before I even knew what Stampin' Up! was. Back in the day when I felt simplicity and a clear message was all a card needed and I wasn't concerned with techniques and embellishments and the latest doo-dad. This card is still as powerful to me today as it was when I created it. It is no wonder I have kept it...the message is one I need and love to hear.
It's funny that this is the card that drew me in today. For tomorrow I will be flying once again - this time to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I am trying to look at it as an adventure rather than a burden. I have to say it is difficult to leave home again after having just arrived. With Spring in the air and my beautiful family surrounding me, the last thing I want to do is leave. However, leave I will, and on my trip I will continue to ponder what it means to open my wings and fly...If I could fly anywhere in my life, where would I go? If my wings could be any color or size or shape, what would they look like? I feel that change is coming in my life...I feel as if I am in the cocoon and soon I will be breaking through that shell and emerging into a new life...the unknown...a place I am supposed to be. Maybe you are emerging too - into a new place in your life - or back to an old place where you felt comfortable and at peace. So together we will open our wings and fly...