Saturday, April 18, 2009

I have come to believe that there really are no coincidences in life and today reaffirms that for me. Yesterday I made this card. I wasn't sure what moved me to create a card that said "cherish." When I created it it looked to me like a card you might give to a couple on their wedding day. And yet, when I went to take photos of the card a strange thing happened. I took photos and then came to my computer and the photos were nowhere to be found on the compact flash card from my camera. So off I went again to take another set of photos and once again I could not load them - it was as if they had never been taken.
This morning I decided to try again and I was more successful. Somehow, overnight, the camera decided that taking photos of this card was now okay and now I know why...
My phone rang this morning at 8:09 a.m. I was asleep in my room so I waited until I was showered and dressed and in the kitchen to find out who called. I figured if it was really important then whoever called would have tried on the home phone after not reaching me on my cell. It turned out it was my mom and she was calling to let me know that my Aunt Esther had passed away overnight. Aunt Esther was 95 years old and one of the most amazing women I have ever known. And this is why today was the day my card that says "cherish" decided to let me take its picture. To remind me today that we all need to cherish those we love - when they are with us and when they are gone. I will carry Aunt Esther with me, in my heart - I will cherish her - all the days of my life. And I offer you this card to remind you to cherish those in your life who are important to you - whether they are sitting beside you or have gone to their resting place. We all have so much to cherish...
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Here I am in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia...so bizarre to be here. In some ways it feels like being in New York...except that my body can't seem to decide what time it is :) Right now it is 7:32 a.m. on Wednesday in Denver and 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday in Kuala Lumpur. When the morning comes it will be night in Denver and I will be on my way back home...yeah! Usually when I travel I do not have time or energy to take in the sights and sounds of where I am. Since I traveled so far this time I decided I could not leave here without having taken in a little bit of the local flavor so I asked my body to work with me and go on two outtings. One was to a shop and dinner last night with a group of people from my training. Tonight was dinner out at a local restaurant. I'm really glad I left the hotel and saw something. The bottom photo is of a batik shirt that I am bringing home to Michael (shhh) and the top photo was my "bed" from Los Angeles to Hong Kong...for all 15 hours of that flight! I am anticipating a similar bed, for a similar length of time for that part of the trip home. I have to say I am sooooo grateful to be able to fly business class on these international trips - it makes it a lot easier on my body :)
I can't wait to get back to the craft room and create! I miss it sooooo much!!!!! Ooh - I'll have to load another photo for you - I can see the Petronas Tower out my window - you might recognize it from the movie with Catherine Zeta Jones and Sean Connery - where they are bank robbers...the building is one and the same :) If you find yourself somewhere new - whether it's around the block or around the world, don't forget to take it in!!!! :)
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