I felt so "cd" the last few days - that's my new affliction - creativity deprivation or feeling creatively deprived! I need to explore ways to avoid "cd" when I'm away from the craft room. Right now there is just something about being surrounded by all of the tools/supplies/trinkets/colors when I'm in the craft room - I'm like a kid in a candy store. But how can we create that same sense of wonder and excitement about creating when we are not in our own homes? If you have an idea, I'd love to hear it - feel free to post a comment. I'm looking for all the "cd" help I can get! It really is an affliction I would like to avoid!
These 3 cards are part of my recovering from my past couple of days of "cd." I'm just letting things flow naturally. Hope you like them...I have a feeling I might have a few more left in me today :)