Thursday, May 22, 2014

Layered Wax Paper: A Video!!!

Today's Lesson From The Craft Room:  Let The Inspiration Sweep You Up!
I watched a video by Suzi Dennis the other day and watching her experiment with wax paper really intrigued me!  The minute she showed herself flexing and bending the dried finished product and said, "it feels like leather," I knew I had to give it a try!  I guess I am a texture kind of gal!  Somehow the video wasn't satisfying enough - I needed to find out what that paper felt like!  So I let the inspiration sweep me up and off I went to the craft room!  Warning:  The inspiration might be contagious!  Here is a video of my encounter with layering wax paper!  Enjoy!

1 comment:

Doris said...

A video!! What a treat! I love your videos…you do such interesting techniques. Very inspiring. Can't wait to see what becomes of this leathery wax paper piece. Thanks, Michelle!!!