Friday, May 23, 2014

Whoooo Are You? Art Journal Page

Today's Lesson From The Craft Room:  Find A Mantra That Helps You On Your Journey
I find that my mind is one of my most powerful muscles when it comes to my swimming (or my art making).  If my mind is in a supportive place, I find that my other muscles follow - my arms, legs, lungs (ok, they may not be muscles, but they follow along too!).  In the craft room, the muscle of creativity follows if my mind is in a supportive place.  But when I fall into negative thinking and let my mind focus on destructive thoughts, my other muscles will follow that thinking as well - and it's like I'm slogging through mud in the pool or a creative block in the craft room.  This past week I tried a new mantra for myself when I was swimming.  It was something that the Ayurvedic practitioner I recently saw mentioned during one of our classes.  The mantra is, "I am on my own hero's journey."  I kept coming back to the mantra as I swam and I felt calm, still, peaceful.  Find a mantra that helps you on your journey.  You other muscles will follow.
Today I am sharing an art journal page that I created for Paper Crafter's Library.  I had a ton of fun creating it - using some tape I had painted and some fabric I had marbled.  If you are interested in the full step-by-step videos on how I made the page, head on over to Paper Crafter's Library by clicking on the badge in the upper right-hand corner of my blog and check out becoming a Paper Crafter's Library member!

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