Friday, January 16, 2015

Mini Collage #20 & Paper Expressions 3: A Video!!!!

Today's Lesson From The Craft Room:  Find The Little Girl
I have been having a lot of fun playing with color and allowing myself to not judge, not assess and just flow.  I call it "finding the little girl."  At one time in my life (oh so long ago!) there was a little girl who wasn't afraid to play with color.  She didn't care what anyone thought.  She just wanted to eat those colors up and let them take her wherever they wanted!  It didn't matter what she did with what she made.  All that mattered was that she made.  She created.  She put crayons to paper, paint to brush, markers to walls (but that's a whole other story...and it was mostly hidden in my closet :)  So today I took a piece of deli paper along with some FW Acrylic Artist Inks and I found the little girl.  I hope you enjoy the video and the mini-collage I made with the deli paper to commemorate this important creative adventure!

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

Love watching your process. Thanks for sharing.