Monday, December 21, 2009

House of Peace

Today's Lesson From The Craft Room:  Consider Living More For Today Than For Some Day

I had to smile when today's challenge was about building a house...granted it is a birdhouse, but it makes me think of all the house cleaning I've been doing lately.  Oh to be a bird with such a little space to keep clean :)  I've been spending most of my time cleaning in the craft room and I realize that I save a lot of things for "some day."  For instance, I'd better save this big plastic bottle because "some day" it may come in handy for a project.  Oh, and this cardboard packing material, and those beat up plastic containers, and don't forget those wrappers from those candies...and so on, and so on, and so on...until eventually I am surrounded by piles of things for "some day" and unable to live comfortably in a clean space today.  So I've been purging a lot - trying to live more for today than for some day.  It has been an emotional purging for me since I seem to have a hard time letting go.  I have to admit though - every time I remove things from the craft room and deposit them in the trash I feel a bit lighter and a bit more at peace :)   So today's birdhouse is my house of peace - this is hopefully what I will end up with when I finish my purging - a peaceful, clean space where I can cozy up and create :)  Wish me luck!

The roof of the birdhouse was cut from silver tooling foil and then scalloped and embossed.  I used a sewing pin to attach the die cut bird and ribbon.  The flowers were punched and then embellished with silver liquid pearls.  Hope you like it and I hope you enjoy today!

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