Monday, April 05, 2010

Sitting and Staring...

Today's Lesson From The Office Next To The Craft Room:  Take A Break From Doing Taxes And Go Explore Outside!

No time in the craft room yet today...just sitting here in the office trying to get my taxes done.  Yes, I am a procrastinator when it comes to doing my taxes.  Not sure where I developed my dislike for doing them - maybe because it is the farthest thing from creating art! :)  So, I gave myself a break and went outside and explored a bit with the camera.  This little guy decided to watch me :)  There was also a small party at one of the bird baths...I wasn't invited...but I showed up anyway :)
Hopefully I'll be back in the craft room tomorrow...I'm still buried in papers and receipts and I have a date with Keifer Sutherland tonight...not really...just watching 24 :)  Have a great night!

1 comment:

Francie G. said...

Love it that you shared your out door critters! We too have a ton of squirrels! Love to feed and watch the birds! Thanks for sharing!