Thursday, December 23, 2010

2011 CD Calendar Continued!

Today's Lesson From The Craft Room:  Whatever You Have Is Exactly What You Need To Produce Your Best Work
Today's lesson, like yesterday's, comes from the book Art & Fear by David Bayles & Ted Orland.  I've realized that there are many ways that I avoid the risk that art making involves.  I tell myself that I need to straighten/clean/organize the craft room before I can create.  Or I tell myself that I need to run out or jump on-line to purchase that special, amazing art tool/item/product that is going to finally change everything and make everything that I create worthy of the walls of the National Gallery of Art!  What I need to keep reminding myself is that whatever I have is exactly what I need to produce my best work - whatever my craft room looks like, whatever tools I'm using, whatever I'm feeling like at the moment, is exactly what I need to create my best work at that time.  I think about artists who drew pictures on the walls of caves and those who found whatever tools they could use to express the art inside of them during the Holocaust.  The need to create, is exactly that, a need - and everything necessary to fulfill that need is right there with you.  All you need to do is take the risk to let that art out!
Today I'm sharing the remaining half of the year from my 2011 CD calendar with you (you can see the first 6 months in yesterday's blog post).  Enjoy!

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