Wednesday, March 26, 2014

CREATE Art Journal Page

Today's Lesson From The Craft Room:  Resist The Urge To Add On
Today's lesson is not about art-making - although there is probably a lot to be said about "less is more" when it comes to art.  Today's lesson is about gossip and idle chit-chat.  It can be so easy to fall into adding on to or listening in to conversations that are about other people.  After all, if we are busy talking about others we have less time to examine ourselves.  I was proud of myself today - I resisted the urge.  I was a party to a conversation that wasn't about me - it was about others.  And the urge bubbled up to add a piece of "juicy gossip" to the dialogue...and I swallowed it.  I didn't go there.  And I feel really good about that.  This is something I'm going to make a conscious effort around - to resist the urge to add on (except when it comes to my art! :)
Today I'm sharing the first art journal page I created for Paper Crafter's Library.  I was like a kid in a candy store when I was asked to start creating pages (in addition to the cards and other projects I create/design for them).  The pages allow me to play with any and every supply I have on hand and I love it!  I will continue to share the pages I have created for Paper Crafter's Library - old and new.  I hope they inspire you to give art journaling a try!  For full video instructions for my Paper Crafter's Library art journal pages you can check out the information on becoming a member by clicking on the Paper Crafter's Library icon in my sidebar on the right.

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